When Is The Right Time To Consult The Best IVF Specialist?

The problem of infertility can be extremely distressful. For many, it can be an isolating and incredibly painful experience. It seems like dreams are shattered and expectations are divided between two poles. Negativity prevails all around the corner. If such is the condition you are also in due to infertility causes, it should not be at all. You should better consult the best infertility specialist in Delhi and try to figure out the possible solution to get out of this situation and attain pregnancy.

The problem is that most of the male and female affected with infertility condition are not aware of when to consult the infertility doctor. As a result, the problem gets bigger and bigger and reach to the point of mental, physical and emotional distress and agony. Knowing about when is the right time to consult an IVF specialist can help you to avoid the extreme infertility complication and condition.

Condition and time that show you a notice to consult an IVF expert

1. When things do not pan out accordingly

You are a married couple and trying to conceive longer than you ever thought possible. You are confused about why it does not yield any conception. At this juncture, you should seek medical help immediately. Immediately does not means that the situation is grave, it means you should not let the condition to deteriorate further so much so that it reaches to the point of extreme complication.

2. It is taking more time than expected

Sometimes we take things for granted and only wake up when things start moving away from us. As a couple, if you are not able to produce reproduction even after a long time and several efforts to achieve conception, get in mind that it is the time to move to a reputed IVF expert to analyze your infertility condition. Intended or unintended delay both will only transcend your existing infertility issue to the next level where you might have had to go through an extreme ordeal to achieve pregnancy and deliver a child.

3. It is more than one year, you are still trying.

Even if you are young enough to wait for so many years to get things aligned according to your expectation, it is widely recommended that you should seek medical help when it is more than a year of the unsuccessful chase of getting pregnant naturally. In other words, if a male and female involved in a timely performed sexual intercourse for more than a year and did not achieve conception, no matter what they must consult the best infertility specialist in Delhi and discuss their issue with him/her.

4. When the age of the woman is 35 or above

Infertility or fail to achieve pregnancy has a direct relationship with the age of the women. After the age of 35 or above, the chances of achieving pregnancy dwindle abruptly. Moreover, the chances of miscarriage also go up drastically. Hence, you do not get pregnant within the six months of unprotected sexual practices, you should knock the door of an infertility specialist and discuss your problem.